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Sunday, January 9, 2011


Bruce invited us to a tomato tasting ceremony at his home.  These were gorgeous, home grown tomatoes, grown from seeds which he ordered from America, different varieties, big, small, deep dark red ones and pinkish ones that looked almost artificial, knobbly ones and smooth round ones. 

Bruce is a perfectionist and the tasting ceremony was beautifully presented with attention to detail - bread and cheese locally made on Imhoff's Gift farm, the tomatoes labelled so that we could try out the different varieties.  There was something about their ripeness and roundness that made one want to savour every aspect of it.  The tomatoes go really well with cheese and spring onions and olive oil, but to experience each one's individual flavour and texture, it was best to taste it on its own.  The names were poetic - Plack Prince, Black Russian, Marglobe - and we feasted on the unusual shades and shapes.  All our senses were involved - it was one of those perfect evenings after a hot day, still, with only the sounds of waves breaking on the beach and people talking and laughing in comfortable togetherness.  The moon was hanging above the horizon before dipping into the Atlantic, a yellow sickle with the faint outlaine of the rest of the bubble visible.
Patrick enjoys his tomatoes fried with a little garlic and herbs in butter, eaten on toast, but Bruce reckons that the subtle flavours get lost when cooked.  I've been using our home grown tomatoes in stews and pasta dishes - they are delicious no matter how you prepare them, and not as acidic as the ones we buy at the shop.  Here are some pictures of our evening.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Heat wave

This has been our third day of temperatures over 30 degrees Celsius, and no southeaster to relieve this.  Despite the cold Atlantic water, hundreds of people went for dip throughout the day.  The plants are looking droopy by the end of the day, except for the indigenous milkwoods with their waxy leaves that retain moisture.  We have a Mediterranean climate, with winter rains, so it's dry here in Cape Town despite all the welcome rain in the rest of the country, where the dams are full.  The drought in Beafort West and George was also broken, to everyone's relief.  For a few weeks motorists from other towns were encouraged to take bottled water to Beaufort West when they drive through (it's situated on the N1 highway from Cape Town to Johannesburg).

There is test cricket on at Newlands between India and South Africa, and I feel so sorry for the poor guys who have to be out on the pitch for hours on end without any shade.  We did well though, and might be able to win the match.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunset from the block house

There is a derelict block house on Slangkop mountain, which was built by the British during the Second World War.  It offers a stunning view over the Atlantic, and makes a perfect setting for watching the sun set.  It really looks as if the sun just melts into the sea and one sits for a while, not quite believing that this means that the day is over.  That's where everyone is off to now - Patrick, Sarah and Gabriel, and his sisters Cara and Nuala and Tessa.  There is a little contour path from the road up to the block house, and I like to imagine the soldiers walking up and down, perhaps on their way to the hotel for a drink on their day off.  I wonder whether any of the older residents remember the soldiers in the village.  I'll ask Hester Louw next time I see her - she's 80 and grew up in Hout Bay (the fishing village across Chapman's Bay). 

I made pancakes for them to snack on up there, with some wine and juice, and remember when we went up there with the late Father Smeets, the Catholic priest who married us and who was the prior at the local monastery.  Wine and sunsets and memories...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The attic as it is now

The attic renovation project has really taken hold of me. It is a wonderful space and could be used for a range of purposes, but the idea of making it available as holiday accommodation for people to visit from all over the world so that they can get to experience our beautiful spot in Africa is definitely most appealing. People could choose whether to combine their stay with healing sessions, or good local food or sightseeing, at reasonable rates rather than the ridiculous fees asked by those in the hospitality industry. This is what the attic looks like from the outside at present, but I want these windows replaced by French doors that open up onto a wooden deck.

From the inside, it looks like this - it has been used for storing stuff, such as Timothy's motorbike, and for the cats to live in.

So you can see that lots could be done to improve matters - all I need is a bit of manpower and some capital.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year 2011

It's just irresistable - whenever it gets round to the 1st of January, I have this urge to plan and organise. It's like starting a new exercise book at school, all clean pages unblemished by the teachers' disapproving red ink, and you have that feeling of new beginnings.

We woke up to a gentle rain this morning and I dashed out to feed the hens before they could wake the neighbours with their loud demands. It's been dry this summer with warnings of fire threats, so rain was really welcome. The sky has cleared since, and it is now after lunch and the sky is deep blue and there is no wind. The picture is of Longbeach, looking towards the north, with a view of the back of Table Mountain (that flat bit of mountain sticking out).

My greatest desire this year is to renovate our attic space. It is about 11 by 3 metres, and has 3 windows and a toilet, and has been unused for years, but it could be made really beautiful, with a wooden deck and a bathroom and kitchen space, so that it forms a self contained flat. I haven't asked anyone for a cost estimate yet, but it will probably cost about $30 000 to transform this into a cosy apartment. Now I reckoned that if I could find 300 people who could each contribute $100 towards this project, in exchange for a week's stay in the attic once it's been renovated, it would be quite an interesting project. You'd be able to view the progress on the blog site and book your week in advance. That way we would meet new people and you would be able to see a bit of South Africa. Anyone interested?