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Sunday, January 2, 2011

The attic as it is now

The attic renovation project has really taken hold of me. It is a wonderful space and could be used for a range of purposes, but the idea of making it available as holiday accommodation for people to visit from all over the world so that they can get to experience our beautiful spot in Africa is definitely most appealing. People could choose whether to combine their stay with healing sessions, or good local food or sightseeing, at reasonable rates rather than the ridiculous fees asked by those in the hospitality industry. This is what the attic looks like from the outside at present, but I want these windows replaced by French doors that open up onto a wooden deck.

From the inside, it looks like this - it has been used for storing stuff, such as Timothy's motorbike, and for the cats to live in.

So you can see that lots could be done to improve matters - all I need is a bit of manpower and some capital.

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